Regional winner
Accommodation | Wine Tourism Restaurants

L’Héritier du Vignoble – Everness Hôtel & Resort

Lausanne | Switzerland

Located in Chavannes-de-Bogis, in the heart of «La Côte» Wine Region, 171 rooms, welcome both international congresses and family tourism. Many different clients to whom we were keen to introduce the local products.

Three years ago, we took the daring step of offering an exclusively Swiss wine card, developed with Swiss Wine. The aim is to introduce local people and our international clientele to the wines of other cantons of the Swiss wine scene. Every six weeks, a new Swiss Canton is featured. Indeed, we highlight both the great “classics” and rare Swiss discoveries.

Best Western for 25 years, we left the American chain in 2020 to further develop our concept of “Swissness”. Under the name Everness, we now offer a warm and relaxed hotel experience with Swiss culture-oriented gastronomy. From the decoration of the restaurant to your taste buds , everything has been designed to immerse you in the heart of the vineyards.

Everness Hôtel & Resort
Les Champs-Blancs 70b
1279 Chavannes-de-Bogis
+41 21 960 81 81
46.3351191, 6.1610032

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